Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1st Goal Completed!!!

After several years of going to school and working (during some of that time) and having a family, I finally finished in December of 2010. My graduation day was one of the biggest days of my life. I worked hard to get my degree. Without the support and love of my family and friens I don't think I would have ever gotten through it. I was blessed durring this time by meeting serval new life time friends that I have something in common with: the importance of education of our children. Today I was able to cross off the 1st goal on my list of 75 goals in 930 days. After receiving my degree in Elementary Education I recieved my Idaho Teaching Certificate in Standard Elementary K/8 (all subjects). It is amazing how 2 little pieces of paper can mean so much to someone!!! I am so excited to start my teaching career.. Now its time to start looking for a job and turning in those application.

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